HSE Digital Health Strategic Implementation Roadmap 2024-2030
The development of our HSE Digital Health Strategic Implementation Roadmap (HSE DHSIR) began in October
2022. Working in conjunction with the Department of Health’s ‘Digital for Care – Digital Health Framework for Ireland 2024-2030’ it has been a fully collaborative journey.
As we move through the approvals process collectively with the Department we look forward to the imminent publication of both documents.
The HSE DHSIR is presented through the perspective of the Six Principles and defined initiatives (see graphic below), which includes the current in-flight initiatives funded via the ICT Capital Plan.
DHSIR will lay the groundwork for a patient centered care eco system it will commence the implementation of initiatives that underpin empowering patients and establishing the foundations to enable this digital health transformation.
The HSE DHSIR is currently at approval stage and will be available to view once the final document is published in the near future.
Some of the immediate next steps include increasing the involvement of patients and healthcare professionals, creating open channels for communication, establishing a dedicated transformation team, and implementing national data and workflow standards.
Additionally, the Roadmap highlights the need for a responsive architecture that can adapt to new developments and aligns with existing strategic frameworks.
Operational governance will fully align with that of the health service new governance arrangements emerging from the HSE Centre/regional reform design. And taking this organisation wide view the delivery of the HSE DHSIR and initiatives will be incorporated into the overall HSE governance structure.
As we enter a new phase of the HSE DHSIR, technology alone will not drive this – it needs people - it needs teamwork - it needs agility. We’re all on this journey together and we will all be playing an integral role in implementing these initiatives to deliver digital health transformation in Ireland.
For any queries or further information please contact our dedicated Programme team at ctto.digitalstrategy@hse.ie.