Planning & Portfolio Management


Planning and Portfolio Management (PPM) provides a single, structured planning channel for all new ICT projects and programmes within the HSE by working with business sponsored ICT change initiatives, from initial proposal through all stages of approval until there is a fully funded and approved ICT project ready for implementation.

PPM utilises a robust process that incorporates all key areas of business and Technology and Transformation to enable effective demand and portfolio planning and management for all ICT- enabled change projects and programmes.​


What do PPM do?

Planning and Portfolio Management acts as a gateway to the majority of ICT-related projects that come through the department. Acting as a points of contact, liaisons and advisors. Planning Managers provide insights and guidance to those seeking to bring projects to fruition.



As a team, PPM:
  • Build individual proposals/concepts into fully costed Business cases ready for implementation​
  • Manage proposals through the rigorous internal approval process and the DGOU sanction process​
  • Work with Delivery Directors in managing portfolios​
  • Report on Planning, Approval and Sanction​
  • Participate in Service Planning​


Our work is governed under Circular Number: 14/2021 - Arrangements for Oversight of Digital and ICT-related Initiatives in the Civil and Public Service.

All major proposals with an IT element, irrespective of the source of funding, must be approved by the Digital Government Oversight Unit (DGOU) in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform before they may proceed to implementation. Minor proposals must be approved by the HSE Senior Management Team.​

For initial enquiries please complete the proposal mandate document (Proposal Mandate) and send your enquiry to


Last Updated 02/03/23