Service Introduction and HSeLanD
As one of the first eHealth services to create a HSeLanD module, we thought it would be useful to share our experience in Service Introduction with other teams who are also thinking about eLearning. Our requirement was for Project Managers to be able to understand the Service Introduction Process and use the Service Introduction Toolset Power Application. Prior to the eLearning module, each new Project Manager required an initial meeting with a Service Introduction analyst for a training demonstration.
The development of the SI Toolset Power App in December 2020; provided an opportunity to rethink the training provided to Project Managers and other users of the SI Toolset. An initial approach was made to the eHealth Training & Development Team who facilitate e-learning modules on HSeLanD. We were encouraged to provide further details and began by collating resources we currently used for training. With the Training & Development team, we defined our aims and objectives and met the scope of a HSeLanD eLearning module. Our resources were utilised to create a draft module outline and this was used throughout the engagement to ensure we stayed on track.
With the Training & Development team, we then began to map out a structure onto PowerPoint and create specific new training resources. A HSeLanD Module has a limited number of words per slide so distilling policy and process documents into a fifteen-minute module was challenging at times. The questions we were asked by the programmer helped us to focus on the essentials, without losing the essence of what we needed to communicate to Project Managers.
Supporting Covid applications through the SI Process and outages associated with the cyber-attack delayed us, but we persisted and finally a module was ready to be converted into the Articulate 365 software used by HSeLanD. This required the inclusion of navigation elements, interactive buttons, a knowledge centre, course evaluation, a certificate and Quality Analysis, all facilitated by HSeLanD and the vendor, prior to being deployed on the HSeLanD site.
The end result is an eLearning module which meets the needs of the Project Managers and Service Introduction, it reduces the amount of time we need to spend in one-to one training within the SI Team and gives a consistent standard of training for all users. We are happy with the results and would recommend HSeLanD to eHealth teams who are developing training materials.
Please Contact:
eHealth Module development - ehealth.training@hse.ie
Service Introduction - service.introduction@hse.ie
Published: 28th June 2022