MyHealth Digital Platform

In response to the COVID Pandemic, the HSE rapidly mobilised and redirected many of its ICT/Technology and Transformation resources to support the delivery of services. This resulted in various disparate technical solutions being deployed at an accelerated pace across the health service. As the public health response to the pandemic evolved and evidence and knowledge developed, the A2I-HIDs programme was tasked with standing-up a national public facing portal, the Covid Services Front Door, to enable individuals throughout the country to book PCR tests and order Antigen Test Kits. In January 2022 a project team was brought together to develop the solution and the portal went live on 4th May 2022. It is the first public facing digital platform that A2i-HIDs has delivered to date.  Since then, the portal has onboarded a broad range of service pathways and it has been rebranded to the MyHealth Digital Platform.

Platform Services

  • Ordering an Antigen test Kit - currently only available for Healthcare Workers (live)
  • Booking a Flu Vaccination for Healthcare Workers - Go Live September 2022 (live)
  • Booking a Monkeypox Vaccination - Go Live October 2022 (currently closed)
  • Booking an HPV Vaccination for the Laura Brennan Catch-up Programme: Go Live December 2022 (currently closed)
  • IFMS Payments portal - Go Live July 2023. (live)
  • Booking an MMR vaccine appointment (live).


Some of the major benefits of the system focus on the enhanced user experience and include:

  • Clarity of Information
  • Pre-population of addresses for e.g. with Eircode
  • Provision of multi-lingual information (Irish & English)

Identification & Security

The platform utilises:

  • IHI (Covid-ID)
  • Multifactor Authentication

Technology Pillars – Resilient, Secure, Scalable and Performant

The MyHealth Digital Platform is a Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosted solution. The application is written in C# with Razor pages. It extensively utilises internal A2I-HIDS APIs (IHI, Covid, Eircode lookup and Mobile Phone and PPSN validators). The application has a SQL Server Application & Reporting Database. The environment is fully scripted and can be stood up rapidly. The firewall protection has additional geo restriction to IRE & UK. The application has an implementation of DDoS and Redis Memory Cache.

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