Health Provider Portal

HPP currently consists of 5 applications:

  • Vaccination History Search (VHS) (live April 2021)
  • PharmaVax (live June 2021)
  • GPVax (live August 2021)
  • HPP Admin Portal (live April 23)
  • CommunityVax (live Dec 2023)

Vaccination History Search provides a read-only view into the HSE Data Lake and returns a client’s latest vaccination record, based on specific demographic search criteria.

PharmaVax provides a vaccination event recording service for community pharmacies across the country. Vaccination types catered for include COVID-19, Influenza and Pneumococcal.

GPVax provides a vaccination event recording service for GPs who do not have an accredited Practice Management System on which to record their vaccinations. Vaccination types catered for include COVID-19, Influenza and Pneumococcal.

CommunityVax provides vaccination event recording service for community organisations, care homes and private hospitals, etc. who administer Influenza vaccinations, as part of the yearly seasonal flu campaign.


The PharmaVax & GPVax solutions provide near real-time automatic transfer (via Healthlink HL7 messaging integration) of clinical vaccination records to Covax. Corresponding reimbursement claims to the Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) via the Healthlink for Pharmacies and GPs enrolled in the Vaccination Programme, will be available by May 2024.


HPP harnesses the programming capability and technical expertise of the A2i-HIDs team in the designing and employing of a number of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to search, capture and exchange data. APIs have been employed in HPP for look-up and matching of data including: the GP & Locations API, IHI API, Eircode API, Vaccination History API, COV-ID API.

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