SNOMED CT National Release Centre HSE - October 2023 Release
The Irish NRC would like to announce our release statistics for October 2023. This is the 8th SNOMED CT Irish Edition Production release.
Visit our SNOMED CT National Release Centre webpage on the eHealth Ireland website to learn more about the recent SNOMED CT metrics in the October 2023 release.
Infographics from www.snomed.org
SNOMED CT is the largest and most comprehensive clinical reference terminology in the world.
To commence work on their Dataset. They currently use the Pre-Hospital emergency care data set, via the electronic Health System Siren4. This is the first national system to document pre-hospital care. This system has expanded upon the dataset established by the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC). The dataset has over 5000 terms. There is ongoing input between the NAS and the NRC for SNOMED CT. To date 20% of the dataset is included in the reference set.
List of all Irish refsets:
Name | Members |
Irish language reference set | 1281335 |
Adult oncology daycare nursing discharge reference set Ireland | 107 |
Antimicrobial stewardship performance indicator measurement system(APIMS) Data set for Ireland | 201 |
Breastcheck screening service reference set | 837 |
Chronic Disease Management reference set Ireland | 118 |
Coronavirus reference set Ireland | 136 |
Dentistry refset Ireland | 954 |
Epilepsy reference set Ireland | 10 |
Gynecology discharge summary reference set Ireland | 18 |
Ireland Nursing and Midwifery Quality Care-metrics Dataset | 359 |
Irish National Early Warning Score reference set | 43 |
Lymphodema reference set Ireland | 234 |
Make Every Contact Count Ireland Refset | 42 |
Patient Flow Dataset Ireland | 345 |
Public health nurse clinical caseload dataset Ireland | 90 |
Safeguarding Ireland Refset | 110 |
eServices Ireland Refset | 63 |
National ambulance service reference set | 1037 |
Health Status Questionnaire Ireland | 333 |
Irish National Transfer Document: Residential Facilities for Older People Reference set | 187 |
National Rehabilitation Hospital Ireland allergy nature of reaction reference Set | 64 |
Future refsets planned for April 2024 release – DSMP* completed.
National Sepsis refset |
Motor Neurone Disease and ALS refset – working with Trinity Precision ALS team. |
Death Register refset |
The SNOMED CT Irish edition release contains content that is specific to Irish use contexts and these standardised data concepts are maintained by the SNOMED CT National Release Centre, HSE. The Irish edition is released every April and October yearly.
The International release of SNOMED CT contains international SNOMED concepts which are updated in the Irish edition every March and September yearly.
Three new refsets Irish SNOMED NRC worked with recently were
1). Health Status Questionnaire Ireland:
Public Health originally approached the NRC to utilise SNOMED CT. The dataset was originally in response to the Ukrainian crisis and the requirement for a health questionnaire to be developed. This Dataset has been established as a health questionnaire and a SNOMED reference set has been published.
2). Irish National Transfer Document: Residential Facilities for Older People:
The National Transfer Document is a communication tool that should accompany any older person transferred from a residential care facility (RCF) to an acute hospital (AH) to provide communication from the RCF on the status of the person requiring emergency care. It is a two-part document that includes 1) the emergency needs of the person 2) information pertaining to the person-centred needs and base line status of the person. It aims to ensure a standardised approach to this communication at this vulnerable juncture
3). National Rehabilitation Hospital Ireland allergy nature of reaction reference set:
The National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) had a requirement to develop a reference set as part of their deployment of an EHR for the hospital. As part of their information model, they needed content on allergy nature of reaction to medications. The SNOMED National Release Centre worked with the Medications Lead (NRH) of developing this refset for inclusion in their digital solution. Further work is expected between the NRH and NRC to standardise the dataset for their solution.
Existing Refsets with added new content
1). Patient flow Dataset Ireland – The Patient Flow Project is in planning. They are working on developing a dataset to expedite patient journey in a timely manner within an acute hospital setting. The Patient Flow dataset has been standardised and developed into a refset by the Irish NRC for SNOMED CT. This reference set is now completed.
2). National Ambulance Service - The NAS are in planning for a new eHealth solution. In advance of that the NRC and the NAS have been working together since in the Q3 of 2021
*DSMP is the Data Specification Management Process- all datasets that need to be standardised for digital health solutions must attend the DSMP prior to commencing work on reference set.
Find further information on Reference Sets.
For further information on the DSMP please click this link DSMP Infographic