HSE Telehealth Roadmap

Building blocks for embedding and expanding telehealth

In October 2023, the National Telehealth Steering Committee approved the HSE Telehealth Roadmap 2024-2027. The official launch took place at the Better Together for Digital Healthcare Conference on 1 December 2023.

The roadmap was created in response to Ireland's changing healthcare environment. Recent challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have emphasised the importance of a comprehensive telehealth strategy.

Purpose of the roadmap

The roadmap provides a strategic plan for telehealth development, addressing challenges and promoting adoption of telehealth solutions in healthcare services.

It outlines the key building blocks for digital healthcare transformation, providing a strategic vision to incorporate and expand telehealth. This will lead to better services, patient outcomes, and a transformed healthcare experience.

The roadmap was developed with input from stakeholders and a review of national and international strategies.

View the HSE Telehealth Roadmap full report here


Last updated: 12/03/2024


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