The SNOMED CT terminology provides a standardized language for managing clinical data. The SNOMED CT Irish Extension is released biannually to complement the latest SNOMED CT International Edition.
Neal Mullen Chief Information Security Officer
ICT for Public Health held their annual team day at The Ashling Hotel in Dublin on Tuesday 24th September 2024. Bernie Flynn, Deputy Delivery Director opened the event by welcoming and thanking all for attending.
The GM Forum was held at the Ashling Hotel, Dublin, on Tuesday, 22nd October 2024, gathering around 25 of our Technology and Transformation General Managers. The event was hosted by Thelma Pentony, Training and Development Manager
SCS-CMS Team and Virtual Ward Programme Recognised at the Irish Healthcare and the National Health Tech Innovation Awards
This Autumn, The European Health Data Space (EHDS) initiative funded a series of sessions throughout member states to share information on the status of interoperability and exchange of health data across the EU.
In today’s digital world, strong passwords are critical to safeguard personal information.
ENISA Month highlights cybersecurity awareness, focusing on phishing prevention strategies.
The Maternal & Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) is the Electronic Health Record (EHR) for all Women and Infants in Maternity, Gynaecology and Neonatal Services in Ireland. When the programme is complete this electronic health record will be available in 19 maternity hospitals in Ireland including the Health Service Executive (HSE) and Voluntary Hospitals.