Scheduled Care


A key initiative of the Sláintecare Strategic Action Plan 2021 - 2023 Reform Programme is to develop a multiannual waiting list plan focused on achieving waiting time targets.

A joint approach to the development of the plan is being undertaken between the Department of Health, Sláintecare Programme Implementation Office, the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF). This collaborative engagement has focused on setting out the scope of the shared waiting lists problem, developing the multiannual plan and prioritizing areas to tackle waiting lists. Within the HSE a dedicated reform team is established to work at national, regional and hospital levels, to support the effective planning and delivery of scheduled care reform.

The HSE’s Integrated Information Service (IIS) team is working closely with the Scheduled Care Transformation Program and in collaboration with the following stakeholders

  • National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF)
  • HSE Health performance visualisation platform (HPVP)
  • HSE National Health Intelligence Unit (NHIU)
  • HSE Business Information Unit (BIU)
  • HSE Healthcare Pricing Office (HPO)
  • Acute Operation
  • Hospital Group Leads
  • Hospital Scheduled Care Leads
  • Scheduled Care Leads


The IIS Team is working with large volumes of data to analyse waiting times and scheduled care trends at a National, Regional and Local Level. We are making this data available to leaders within the Health Service who can use it to make both operational and strategic decisions relating to patient care.

Schedule Care Dashboard

The Scheduled Care Dashboard is a visualisation platform built in the cloud using NTPF and BIU data supporting the Scheduled Care Transformation Programme Team on:

  • A National Overview: Current position and trends across Outpatient, Inpatient, Day Case and Gastrointestinal Scopes.
  • Waitlist Management: Waiting list trends by timeframe, broken down by National, Group, Hospital, Specialty, and Doctor, patients added and removed.
  • Chronological scheduling: Broken down by National, Group, Hospital, Specialty
  • Detailed National Service Plan KPIs: Broken down by Hospital Group and Hospital – No. of patients waiting, breaches, urgent breaches, and longest waiting patient times.
  • Conversion rates from Outpatient to Inpatient, Day case or Gastrointestinal Scopes.
  • Cancellations, Did Not Attends, Could Not Attend.
  • Primary Target List: Actual vs. Target - National, Group, Hospital, Specialty

Programmes Supported

  • Capacity & Demand Analysis: Support data analysis by providing weekly refreshed data from NTPF.
  • HPVP Initiative: Support Weekly NTPF deliveries and communications with HPVP.
  • NHIU Data Request: Built automated pipelines to deliver weekly extracts for patients added, removed and suspended on the waitlist.
  • BIU Support: Built automated pipelines to deliver monthly extracts for chronologically scheduled patients.
  • HPO Support: Built automation to deliver weekly waitlist extracts including long waiters and patient removals.


The HSE IIS cloud-based solution aims to support the Scheduled Care Transformation Programme and its core initiatives to transform our services to a modern, fit-for-purpose system, with care pathways delivered in an integrated manner, in the right place, at the right time, as envisaged in Sláintecare

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Updated 01/02/23