Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis IIS Team Response


The invasion of Ukraine by Russia resulted in the mass displacement of Ukrainians across Europe and further afield.

To date, Ireland has taken in more than 70K people fleeing war.

The task of providing suitable healthcare as well as housing and education has been enormous.

To enable this, timely access to key information is essential.

HSE Response

Within the HSE, a high-level co-ordination group was rapidly formed. It comprised 9 sub-groups, focusing on areas such as Mental Health, Disability, Community and so on.

IIS worked under the Sub-group of ‘Data and Analytics’, led by Maria McCann. Our role was to provide situational awareness to HSE decision makers which allowed them to coordinate the Health Response to this situation.

What data is being captured?

The vast majority of all Ukrainians coming to Ireland have their details processed through CityWest Transit Center.

The IIS Team rapidly put the data systems in place to gather the necessary data to provide essential health services to displaced persons.

This data flows into the IIS datalake, which is our modern cloud based data store, from sources including:

Dept. of Social Protection; Dept. of Children; Patient Care Reimbursement Scheme (PCRS); Acute Hospitals; COVAX System;  and the online MS Health Assessment, conducted at CW.


IIS team’s storage, processing and visualisation of this wide range of data provides valuable insights which help build an ongoing picture of Ireland’s humanitarian response. As well as enabling the HSE and government agencies create the supports required in a timely way, and to predict likely future trends and plan accordingly.



Contact Us:

The Integrated Information Service can be contacted by email at: