Primary Care

The Primary Care programme, including GP Technology and Transformation deliverables, is responsible for the strategic direction and operational implementation of all ICT systems to directly support patient care and associated administrative systems for HSE Primary Care Services.  

The drivers for all Primary Care ICT developments are based on the strategic direction and prioritisation provided by: 

  • Sláintecare 
  • Service Plan 
  • Technology and Transformation Strategy 
  • Service area specific Governmental Strategies  

Primary Care Active Projects:

Oral Health Information Systems- To support the planning, management and service delivery of the oral public health service-

  • Dental Information System - Implementing a common information system on a single database throughout all health regions, the business and technical support for which is to be provided centrally.
  • Orthodontic Information & Imaging - Implementing a common information system throughout all health regions, the business and technical support for which is to be provided centrally.

GP Contract eHealth initiative for Chronic Disease Management Phases I, II & III -

  • Enhancement of the functionality within the current accredited GP practise systems to accommodate the collection of data to support Chronic Disease Management, including transfer of this data to a central data repository to allow validation, to trigger for PCRS payments and for general analysis to assist service planning. Phases I & II are complete.

Structured Chronic Disease Management Programme - Phase III -

  • The primary objective of this project is to continue the roll-out of the Chronic Disease Management Programme. The four GP practice systems were enhanced to support CDM in phase I & II. Phase III will develop and enhance the GP Practice systems to support the 30 agreed requirements contained in the National GP Agreement 2023.

Technology and Transformation supports to the Islands Technology and Transformation Project -

  • There is a requirement to ensure that HSE staff who provide services to the Islands off Ireland are equipped with the technology and infrastructure to undertake their duties. The role of community services is increasingly changing in line with Sláintecare, the  Enhanced Community Care programme and the need to shift services left and ensure that care where appropriate is as close to home as possible.

 Contact Pat O’Driscoll Programme Manager for more information.