Podcasting in the School of Nursing & Midwifery, University College Cork
Nurses and midwives are a trusted source of health information.
Podcasting is a valuable way of relaying health information
Healthcare and provision of healthcare information is moving into the electronic arena. Many individuals search for health information online, frequently using their mobile phone. However, the most trusted sources of health information are healthcare professionals themselves such as nurses or midwives.
To date, most health-related information is paper based (handouts, pamphlets, discharge advice) or sometimes it is made available through the medium of a website. Both these approaches require the person to be literate, or to be in a sedentary position at a computer. Creating a podcast is one way of communicating with most members of society as well as addressing the ‘digital divide’. People do not need to pay, do not need to have the ability to read, do not need a postal address or a home computer
A podcast is a digital audio file of information, such as health information, made available on the internet for downloading onto a mobile phone or computer. The term podcast is derived from iPod and broadcast using a web based medium. Developing a podcast requires a fluency in using hardware and software programmes. It also requires fluency of discourse.
In UCC, final year nurses and midwives have been developing podcasts using the recording studio in Boole library, UCC or a recording application on their smart phone.
Above: Students in Boole recording studio
The structure of each podcast was that the student nurse/midwife introduced him/herself by name and profession. They then introduced their health-related topic of choice. The student provided an overall account of the topic and how they see their professional relationship with the topic. The student then engaged in a discussion with a person who had received care or has had direct experience with the chosen topic. This was followed by the student engaging in a discussion with an expert on this topic. The student then summarised both discussions, as well as an account of the topic.
The average duration of each podcast was 15 minutes.
Lead Researcher and Team
Dr Sile Creedon
Email: sile.creedon@ucc.ie
Selected References, Link (if any), Website (if any)
Students work was highlighted in UCC’s Graduate Attributes Programme.