Integrated Information Service (IIS) Overview

What is Integrated Information Service (IIS)?

The Integrated Information Service is the main Data Analytics Service for the wider Health Service Executive.

Our people and the technologies they use:

At the IIS we are very lucky to have highly skilled, diverse and well educated people working as part of our team. Our people come from a wide variety of previous roles such as the Public Service, the Private Sector and Academia. They have experience in a wide variety of areas such as Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Visualisation, Solution Architecture, Software Development, Governance and Project Management.

In the IIS we use some of the latest Cloud Technologies to deliver the services required by the organisation. We use the Microsoft Azure Cloud extensively as well as SQL and Python to analyse data. We also use tools such as Power BI and QlickSense to visualise data.

What does IIS do?

As an enabling service to the HSE we provide a number of primary products and services to Health Service Leaders including;

  • Data Collection
  • Data Processing (Moving, Consolidating, Transforming, Classifying etc)
  • Data Automation (where appropriate)
  • Data Analysis
  • Dashboards
  • Data Extracts
  • Complex Ad-Hoc Queries of Data Stored
  • Modelling and Predictive Analytics

COVID-19 Pandemic response:

Since the beginning of the Covid19 Pandemic the Integrated Information Service has expanded substantially. This was necessary to facilitate the analysis of the enormous volumes of data that was being generated as a result of the Pandemic Response.

The IIS has played key roles in analysing data and providing actionable information across the various programmes which the HSE has rolled out in response the pandemic including;

  • The initial Covid19 response in early 2020
  • The National Test and Trace Programme
  • The National Vaccination Programme
  • Assisting the Department of Health in issuing the Digital Covid Certificates
  • The flu and additional dose campaign

Our Mission Statement:

To empower health leaders to deliver improved patient care and services, at the right time and in the right place through the use of data. We do this by collecting and transforming data to provide high quality, timely and relevant information through a centralised enabling service.

Contact Us:

The Integrated Information Service can be contacted by email at: