1. Engage & Plan

 This is a guide for laying the foundation of VEC but should be tailored in line with service requirements.

  • Setup Working Group - a useful Terms of Reference template can be found here.
  • Nominate Service Implementation Lead and Champions.
  • Complete Project Brief - a useful Project Brief can be found here.
  • Identify and engage necessary stakeholders - a useful stakeholder mapping and analysis template can be found here.
  • Include ‘Video Enabled Care’ as a standing item on all agendas and share this implementation Toolkit.
  • Seek shared learning from similar services using VEC – helpful videos can be found here.
  • Identify how to capture data evidence (before and after).
  • Consider digital inequity and inclusivity - Tablet Loan Scheme information can be found here.
  • Identify potential constraints, challenges, risks and mitigation and document within the risks and issues register on the:
    1. Timeline Tool - a useful checklist can be found here.
    2. Risk and Mitigation - useful information around risks and mitigation can be found here.
    3. This is an agile guideline - Video Enabled Care Implementation Guideline this document can be tailored accordingly, for example to record actions from meetings, further meetings required, timelines and topics to be discussed throughout the VEC implementation.

Change Management

HSE Change Management Guide can be found here.

Implementing VEC is a ‘change’ which needs positive engagement with the people involved in order to:

  • Build a shared sense of purpose.
  • Support different voices.
  • Views and abilities.
  • Assist people to take responsibility for designing a better future for their service.
  • Define, design and deliver the change together.