
The xShare Yellow Button is a new service currently in development.  The service will facilitate the sharing of health data that is in the European Electronic Health Records Exchange Format (EHRxF).  Services such as health portals and patient apps that support the xShare Yellow Button will allow as well as empower patients to share their information with another service under GDPR.

The xShare Yellow Button supports its end users by allowing them to share health data in a harmonized, structured and coded format that will be understood by healthcare services across Europe.

The xShare consortium, co-led by MedCom (DK) and HL7 Europe (BE), comprises standards-developing organisations, industry associations, national and regional ministries of health, government agencies, and SMEs as early xShare adopters in eight European Member States.


The xShare Yellow Button is a new service currently in development.  The service will facilitate the sharing of health data that is in the European Electronic Health Records Exchange Format (EHRxF).  Services such as health portals and patient apps that support the xShare Yellow Button will allow as well as empower patients to share their information with another service under GDPR. The xShare Yellow Button supports its end users by allowing them to share health data in a harmonized, structured and coded format that will be understood by healthcare services across Europe. The xShare consortium, co-led by MedCom (DK) and HL7 Europe (BE), comprises standards-developing organizations, industry associations, national and regional ministries of health, government agencies, and SMEs as early xShare adopters in eight European Member States.

 Map of Europe, showing countries participating in the xShare project


For further information on xShare, please see Home - xshare (xshare-project.eu)

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