Introduction to MyHealth@EU

Electronic cross-border health services

The Technology and Transformation Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI) is an infrastructure ensuring the continuity of care for European citizens while they are travelling abroad in the EU. This gives EU countries the possibility to exchange health data in a secure, efficient and interoperable way. Citizens can easily recognise the availability of the services under the brand “MyHealth@EU”. - from

Electronic cross-border health services in the EU (Ireland)

  • EU citizens value their healthcare. Many of us also travel, work or study in other EU countries. It is reassuring to know that if you fall ill or experience a health emergency during your stay in another EU country, electronic cross-border health services – ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries – will be available in European countries to protect and assist travellers, under the brand “MyHealth@EU”. These services enable citizens in Europe to benefit from healthcare in their country of travel in the same way that they benefit in their country of residence – via a new digital communication channel. This secure channel enables Technology and Transformation national services to connect and exchange patients’ health data rapidly, safely and efficiently. Your personal data will always be treated and protected under existing EU legislation and with current practices in both your country of residence and your country of travel. In addition, before a health professional accesses any of your data, he or she should inform you about your rights. The new electronic cross-border health services are being established progressively in 25 EU countries until the end of 2025. For the latest updates on the countries which are currently offering these services, please take a look at our Europa webpage.

  • Ireland is committed to Go Live with all of the services listed below for Patients, Healthcare Professionals and Pharmacists, but has yet to do so, the aim is before 2025.  A lot of progress is being made to achieve this with our fellow Member States.

  • This space provides information on what ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries services are – and on how we are going to use, and benefit from them.

Please see the flyer addressed to patients and health professionals from Ireland, provided by the European Commission here (
EU4Health 2021-2027 – a Vision for a Healthier European Union: click here ( 

Which services are available in which countries?

Services are being made available as counties develop their systems and infrastructure  The list of counties and services is always being updated.  Please see the section on services available on the EU website at Electronic cross-border health services - European Commission (

Technology and Transformation - Key documents

Please refer to this useful resource provided by the EU Digital Service Infrastructure, for searching for key documents concerning Technology and Transformation.  This EU document search tool is a dynamic resource and may change.
Material available on this resource includes:
  • eHN Guideline on Patient Summary
  • eHN Laboratory Result Guidelines
  • ePrescription & eIDAS integrated vision
  • General Guidelines - Guidelines on the electronic exchange of health data under Cross-Border Directive 2011/24/EU
  • ePrescription and eDispensation of Authorised Medicinal Products - Guidelines on the electronic exchange of health data under Cross-Border Directive 2011/24/EU