Cyber Awareness Campaign




Hi all, 


A refreshed staff campaign on cyber awareness launches on Tuesday, 9 February and will run across all corporate internal channels for two weeks, finishing on Friday 18 February. The campaign has been developed with our colleagues in OoCIO and will run three or four times across the year.


As part of raising awareness on cyber safety OoCIO are running a series of simulated email phishing tests and a cyber awareness training programme. The internal communications team are supporting this work with the refreshed campaign focusing on clear do’s and don’ts that we can all implement to increase cyber safety while online at work.


Attached are some creative assets for you to use across local internal channels.



Web content


Refreshed cyber awareness content is available at



Broadcast email


Title: Information on how to be cyber safe while online at work


Content: When you let hackers in, who knows what you are letting out.


Being cyber safe and aware when you’re online at work is our first line of defence against hackers. Get information on how to be cyber safe at


  • Don’t click on a link in an email or text message if you don’t know the sender
  • Use a unique password for each website and social media account
  • Log out and shut down your computer or laptop at the end of the day


Phone the National Service Desk 0818 300 300 if you receive a suspicious email or text message.


Social Media


Attached are JPEGS for social media. You can use these across your social media accounts.


Suggested copy to accompany the JPG images:


Being cyber aware when you’re online at work is the first line of defence against hackers. Get information on how to be cyber safe at #CyberSafeAtWork




Attached is a digital A4 poster file, if you need a print ready version email



If you need more information about this campaign or advice on running this campaign across your local channels email


We’ll let you know the 2022 dates for the campaign when we have them finalised.